Owh sungguhku tidak tahu hari ini adalah HARI IBU. Damn!
Aku tahu yang hari ni adalah Hari Ibu mase dengar ceramah Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah kat Kangar td sempena Karnival Jom Mai Perlis.
Papepun aku nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Ibu kepada sume kaum ibu terutama Kak Alyani yg baru dapat anak baru- Adel (amik ati sebab aku syok kat anak die-Nia..hoho). Tak lupe juga kepada my MOM walaupun aku segan nak ucap depan (huhu) tapi aku hanya mampu ucapkan di blog ini saje.
I know you always try your best
For your sons
For your daughters
I know you have faced all the hard-life in the past
You always told me about your story
Although I dont wanna heard it
And I kept continued my FIFA game
But I want to tell you
That doesnt mean I dont wanna heard it
But I dont wanna cry in front of you
Cause you cried in front of me
And I just cried deep inside my heart
I never told you about my misery
In the past
Neither now
But you always
Can read my mind
What I had been thinking about
I dont know why
maybe thats the POWER OF A MOTHER
I LOVE U [fullstop!!]
Aku tahu yang hari ni adalah Hari Ibu mase dengar ceramah Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah kat Kangar td sempena Karnival Jom Mai Perlis.
Papepun aku nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Ibu kepada sume kaum ibu terutama Kak Alyani yg baru dapat anak baru- Adel (amik ati sebab aku syok kat anak die-Nia..hoho). Tak lupe juga kepada my MOM walaupun aku segan nak ucap depan (huhu) tapi aku hanya mampu ucapkan di blog ini saje.
I know you always try your best
For your sons
For your daughters
I know you have faced all the hard-life in the past
You always told me about your story
Although I dont wanna heard it
And I kept continued my FIFA game
But I want to tell you
That doesnt mean I dont wanna heard it
But I dont wanna cry in front of you
Cause you cried in front of me
And I just cried deep inside my heart
I never told you about my misery
In the past
Neither now
But you always
Can read my mind
What I had been thinking about
I dont know why
maybe thats the POWER OF A MOTHER
I LOVE U [fullstop!!]
ko mmg pandai membodek bakal mak mertua ko ni ye. tp kurang point sebab salah eja nama aku. :D btw, tq cdiq!
hehe..ala slh eja cket je kak..jgn ptong mrkah.hhoho~
ala walking kat blog aku jer. xdrop komen pape pon.
aik..taw2 jer aku walk kt blog mu..hahaha
tau la. up traffic menunjuk kan mu walking blog aku.